Countersunk Screws: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing & Using Flat-Head Screws
IS THIS YOU? You walk into a hardware store for screws. You just need screws. But instead, you’re ambushed by an entire wall of metal, each box glaring at you...
Space-Plug 4 Reg + 4 XL White
Space-Plug 4 Reg + 4XL Black
Space-Plug 10 XL For 45-80mm Gaps
Space-Plug Mini - Furniture Wall Anchors - 25 Pack
Space-Plug Regular 25 Pack - Premium Cabinet Fixings
Space-Plug 25 XL Kitchen Cabinet Brackets (For 45-80mm Gaps)
Space-Plug 25 Reg White For 30-50mm Gaps
Perfect Wardrobe Fittings | Space-Plug Regular Black 25-Pack
Space-Plug 25 XL Black For 45-80mm Gaps
Space-Plug 25 XL White For 45-80mm Gaps
Space-Plug 20 Reg + 20XL White
Space-Plug 20 Reg + 20XL Black
Space-Plug 50 Reg For 30-50mm Gaps
Space-Plug Mini - Furniture Anchors - 100 Pack
Space-Plug REG 100 Trade Pack
Space-Plug XL 100 Trade Pack
Space-Plug REG 250 Trade Pack
Space-Plug XL 250 Trade Pack
Space-Plug 500 REG Cabinet Fixings Trade Pack
Space-Plug XL 500 Trade Pack
Space-Plug XL 900 Box
"Plugs the gap between furniture and wall no problem.
Its like an adjustable foot which you run a long screw through the middle and
then tighten up to secure the fixture to the wall."